Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Cost To Country"

I was shocked to read the headlines yesterday,40-50% hike in salaries for all the central govt employees.Iam glad that the defence force would be benefited a lot out of this,but in the same breath i would also express my discomfort to the other babus of the country for being paid without any valuation of their performance.

Its always been believed that new breed of MNCs and the Private sector employees are subjected to an impeccable assesment based on CTC(Cost To Company).The moment an employees CTC out weighs the benefits the company derives from the employee,the employee is ousted.CTC takes in account of the pay and perks,office vehicle,office stationery that the employee may be using for personal use.
To make the babus of our country more accountable,the public sector should also be made to adopt the CTC formula-"Cost To Country".In this case this case babus will not jus pay,DA,subsidised housing etc..but also importantly the costs incurred by the delays caused by bureaucratic inertia or inefficieny.
What we need now is a larger audit of our babus,not jus blame but also to identify and reward,praiseworthy performance using the "Cost To Country".


one among you said...

Appraisals,Targets,Month/qtr/yr end,pressure,commitment are some of the words unheard off by the baabus...long way to go buddy...

swad said...

The 40-50% is only a hype created by media. Actual will work out only close to 25%. Only the top layer will be benefited much.

Much has to be done to change the system of measuring the performance of the Govt. empls.

Also while increasing the Salary paid, Govt. should really think on reducing their income from other sources.(brbe)